That which we learn or come to believe with deep emotion, is very difficult to change or unlearn.
The JW religion and others reach you at an emotional level with what is thought to be kindness and love but the kindness and love is actually fear and shame based. They sing belief based songs intentionally designed to stir the heartstrings and further entrench you.
Strong emotions will almost always override hard evidence even when it's right in our faces .They convince you that they are chosen by God(which is unprovable). Once you buy into that concept they lovingly and subtly lead you to believe that if you don't give yourself over to their beliefs, you'll be not only an utter disappointment to everyone you know and care about but you'll eventually be put to death by God.
No normal person wants to die or be badly thought of or be considered a disappointment by their families, friends or those around them. Humans are hard wired to survive, to preserve their own lives and to be part of a group or society. The JW religion and others dwell on topics that keep those fears at the forefront and they cash in on the basic human instinct of survival. One is constantly reminded of their own mortality and of the fact that abandonment by the group is a real possibility if one doesn't comply.
The best way I know to rid yourself of the JW residue causing you so much consternation is thoroughly prove to yourself through research that their history is full of damning evidence, their teachings are not at all accurate and their claim of being the one and only true religion are not only unfounded but unprovable.